Wynyard – Devonport – Melbourne
Day 290
24.03.2009 - 24.03.2009 20 °C
Had a pretty full on night. Quite an epiphany in fact. Its strange that not working can make a person like me quite out of sorts. Being a hard working person I have found it difficult at times to feel a sense of worth because I’m not working. Its such a strange place to be in. I know anyone reading this slogging away at their desk is probably going to be pretty annoyed at me thinking this, but it’s a strange place to be. After working so hard for years and years and years, it was such a relief to finish work (the right place in time) and spending time relaxing and doing other “stuff” for a while, but after a while, and now we’ve decided we really want to be somewhere else, its hard going having to wait around to be able to do it.
midget working really hard
So Kev, we really want you to sell our house in Mandurah for us ASAP, and Donna we really want you to sell our house in Midland for us ASAP.
Yesterday we booked flights back to Perth from Noosa so we could drop off the dog and van to mum and dad for babysitting. Today we decided that it was best to just drive back. We’ve been having problems with our tenant in Midland. He is behind on the rent and he won’t respond and let me know when he’ll be leaving. So we’ve decided its best to drive back so we have transport and accommodation in case we don’t have a place to stay.
We were going to put everything on the market, but when we’ve had enquiries to rent our Subiaco 2 bedroom unit for $900PW, its really hard to part with that sort of income. And when we’re also getting $700PW for our 1 bedroom units in West Perth, you really cant look that one in the mouth either… so best to leave them where they are and get rid of the two that are not able to make the big bucks.
I’ve really enjoyed my time in Mandurah and really feel that we’ve lived life to the full there. But I really want more trees and a garden and to get back to the earth and reality and nature and enjoy a more real lifestyle. We’ve even decided to go off the grid with our next house and be totally free of electricity ties. Will have to find some cheap candles.
We were listening to a show on the radio, where a town was concerned at the fruit and vege available in their town with Woolworth’s holding them to random with their crap unripened food. So they’re trying to make their town less dependent on these facilities. They’ve introduced free fruit trees and free vege and salad seeds to ALL residents. They’ve also started cooking classes and talks from people about making compost and other things to help make the community more self sufficient and self reliant. I was really taken aback at their approach.
I’ve spoken to the City of Mandurah on many occasions about their environmental policies. I sent an email to the Director of Environmental Management. Not only did I (eventually) get a 2 page letter! I can’t believe that in this day and age that people still insist on putting words on bits of paper, when legally emails have been acceptable in a court of law for over 10 years. But the response was bureaucratic and it was obvious they were doing the same old same old and no one wanted to move on. I’ve contacted the Mayor on many occasions and never even received a response. Its feelings like these that disempower people and pushes them away from a community that doesn’t value its public’s input.
This is why I want to move somewhere smaller and more caring towards its residents. I’m not saying that it will be perfect, but when a town gets too big, it doesn’t have the feeling of caring for its residents. That’s what I’m looking for in a new place to live. The feeling of belonging.
The other epiphany was the realisation that we’re on this planet to give. If we are not giving then we are taking, so what we do in life has to be of the giving end. This is more fulfilling and creates more than likely the feeling of “happiness”.
While I prattle on totally sober, I must let you know how enlightening in many ways our trip to Tassie has been. Just one week shy of 2 months, we’ve barely scratched the surface, yet we cant wait to get back!
We boarded the boat bound for Melbourne town quite sad we were leaving.
Posted by cssc 04:44 Archived in Australia Comments (0)